Harry Binswanger: Why Publicly Debate?

Harry Binswanger: Why Publicly Debate?

Philosopher Harry Binswanger makes this important point in his latest HB Letter: “The point of a debate is not to change the opponent’s mind, but to draw an audience to hear, often for the first time, radical individualist and capitalist ideas, that is:...

Dave Rubin Should Read Ayn Rand

According to media personality, Dave Rubin, “Our Founders understood this which is why the Constitution didn’t grant us rights, it protected them. Rights are God-given, not man-given. Logic needs something eternal beneath it as [a] foundation.” Our...
A Chapter a Day of Les Misérables with Lisa Van Damme

A Chapter a Day of Les Misérables with Lisa Van Damme

Given the “filtering” and “canceling” by Facebook of non politically correct messages, many people have asked whether Lisa VanDamme, Founder VanDamme Academy and Read With Me, would deliver her popular day-to-day thoughts on the 365 chapters of...

Interview with Ayn Rand On Her Concept of The Ideal Man

Host James Day interviews philosopher and writer Ayn Rand, who explains her philosophy of objectivism and offers her concept of the ideal man. Rand also discusses her thoughts on rationality, love, morality, free will, and art. She describes her early determination to...

Ayn Rand’s Sacred Tribute To New York

“I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York’s skyline.” — AYN RAND “That particular sense of sacred rapture men say they experience in contemplating nature — I’ve never received it from nature, only from. Buildings,...

The Rules of Grammar Logically Integrated

“The basic standard of right and wrong for grammar comes down to clarity, in essence, which means reference to reality. Is this rule required by the nature of thought in order to make your relationship of concepts clear, in order to make it exact, in order to...

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