Ayn Rand and William F. Buckley

Quoting Nicholas Provenzo at the Capitalism Center’s Rule of Reason blog: I missed this when it first came out, but Caspar Weinberger praises William F. Buckley and attacks Ayn Rand at Forbes: Getting It Right–by William F. Buckley Jr. (Regnery,...

Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Bridge

The NY Times has a well-written article on Adam Wildavsky, who “says he has found the elusive secret to bridge success — and it’s all between the covers of Atlas Shrugged.” Here is my favorite quote from the piece: Ivatury, meanwhile, is a...

Quote: Ayn Rand on a Free Nation’s Military

You have chosen to risk your lives for the defense of this country. I will not insult you by saying that you are dedicated to selfless service–it is not a virtue in my morality. In my morality, the defense of one’s country means that a man is personally...

Pianist Stephen Siek on Rachmaninoff and Ayn Rand

New Romanticist: Who is Stephen Siek? Stephen Siek: I still consider myself primarily a pianist, and I think this is essential for anyone who desires to achieve the full range of musical expression possible at the instrument. The physical skill demanded to interpret...

Tore Boeckmann on Drama

New Romanticist: Who is Tore Boeckmann? Tore Boeckmann:I’m a Norwegian fiction writer. I’ve wanted to write novels since I was a kid, but until now the results haven’t been good enough to publish, although I’ve sold a few dozen short stories....

Shoshana Milgram on Ayn Rand’s Plays

New Romanticist: Who is Shoshana Milgram? Shoshana Milgram: I’m a teacher-scholar in the field of literature, based at Virginia Tech since 1978.  In my courses and publications—on such writers as Victor Hugo, Fyodor Dostoevsky, E. L. Voynich, and Ayn...

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