Ayn Rand on Conservatism

Ayn Rand on the Republicans (Hat Tip: HBL): “The Conservative Party is not an American political party, it’s a religious party. That’s a phenomenon which is, strictly speaking, forbidden by the Constitution. You’re free to have any religion you...

Ayn Rand in Hollywood: Images and Documents, 1926 to 1951

There will be an Ayn Rand exhibit and eight public events which will occur over a four month period beginning on October 14, 2006. Ayn Rand in Hollywood: Images and Documents, 1926 to 1951 is an exhibit documenting Ayn Rand’s personal and creative life in...

Event: Ayn Rand in Hollywood: Images and Documents, 1926 to 1951

The exhibit documents Rand’s personal and professional activities in Hollywood, from 1926 to 1951, in a series of reproductions of rare photographs and manuscripts drawn from the Ayn Rand Archives, a special collection of the Ayn Rand Institute. On display are...

Ayn Rand Institute’s Free Speech Campaign

From ARI: Announcing the Ayn Rand Institute’s Free Speech Campaign In light of the recent violent outrage in the Islamic world over the “Danish Cartoon” controversy, and the anemic response to this outburst in Europe and America, the Ayn Rand...

Admirer of Ayn Rand to Head the SEC?

IRVINE, CA– President Bush has nominated Congressman Christopher Cox to head the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); the New York Times (NYT) has pegged Cox “a devoted student of Ayn Rand, the high priestess of unfettered capitalism.” “We...

New Ayn Rand Website Features Real Audio Lectures

Ayn Rand, one of the most inspiring and controversial writers, was born on February 2, 1905. To celebrate her life and achievements, the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) is inaugurating a special centenary Web site: www.aynrand100.org. The new Web site will be updated with...

Ayn Rand and James Joyce

Ayn Rand (1905) and James Joyce (1882) were born today. Both were writers. And that is where the similarity ends. See A Tale of Two Novels by Professor Harry Binswanger  for a discussion of the differences.

Ayn Rand vs. Laissez-Faire?

From the Washington Times: A thought for the day: Russian-born American novelist and screenwriter Ayn Rand said, “Disunity, that’s the trouble. It’s my absolute opinion that in our complex industrial society, no business enterprise can succeed...

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