Don Watkins has an excellent piece on Rand’s influence on today’s political landscape:Rand has helped many people see that something has gone wrong in America. But they haven’t yet understood the source of the problem or Rand’s radical...
Writes Wendy Milling in President Obama Jabs At Ayn Rand, Knocks Himself Out – Forbes:In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, President Obama stated, “Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling...
From Ayn Rand Answers: What is your attitude toward immigration? Doesn’t open immigration have a negative effect on a country’s standard of living? AYN RAND: You don’t know my conception of self interest. No one has the right to pursue his self-interest by law or by...
From Did Ayn Rand Eat Babies For Breakfast?:According to Mahatma Gandhi, revolutionaries are first ignored, then laughed at, then attacked—and then they win. Reading George Monbiot’s piece on Ayn Rand, “How AynRand became the new right’s version of Marx” (The...
Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government, written by ARI executive director Yaron Brook and ARI fellow Don Watkins will be available in bookstores on September 18, 2012. Here is the table of contents from the book’s site: The...
HBL – The Harry Binswanger ListThe November-December 2010 issue of Harvard Magazine had a story on Ayn Rand by Jennifer Burns, the author of one of the two (bad) biographies on Ayn Rand that were recently published. The subject Burns writes about is Ayn...
Don Watkins on Happy Birthday, Ayn Rand — Why Are You Still So Misunderstood?:In the summer of 1921, a young Ayn Rand saw Moscow for the first time. “I remember standing on a square,” she would later recall. “And it suddenly struck me. . . . ‘How enormous it is,...
According to the Atlas Shrugged movie producers:Atlas Productions LLC announced today its plan to replace more than 100,000 title sheets appearing on the Atlas Shrugged Part 1 DVD and Blu-ray versions sold through major retail outlets. These retail versions were...
On November 5, 2011 Yaron Brook, President & Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights, spoke at Evening At FEE about Ayn Rand’s moral defense of capitalism. The event was hosted by the Foundation for Economic Education. To find out more...
Forbes quotes a Ph.,d. candidate writing for Quora. Aside from the author using words like “nuanced” and “remarkably sensitive” — something which the author’s post is neither — the post is of little value as it simply sets up...