Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government,
written by ARI executive director Yaron Brook and ARI fellow Don
Watkins will be available in bookstores on September 18, 2012. Here is the table of contents from the book’s site:
- The Incredible Unshrinking Government
- The Wealth of Free Nations
- Why the Last Swing to the Right Failed
- Conclusion: The Situation Today
- Why Government Grows
- The Least Controversial Idea
- The Argument from Need and the Argument from Greed
- Conclusion: A Moral Crisis
- With Friends Like These . . .
- Free Marketers vs. the Market
- The Right’s Crusade for Big Government
- Conclusion: In Search of a Defense of “More”
- The 2008 Housing Meltdown: A Crisis that Government Built
- The Federal Reserve Spikes the Punch
- Housing Policy Made Things Worse
- Financial Regulation Made Things a Disaster
- The Unlearned Lessons
- Conclusion: Freeing the Unfree Market
- Rethinking Selfishness
- The Prisoner and the Producer
- A Package Deal
- Conclusion: Unpacking the Package Deal
- The Morality of Success
- Selfishness Is Not Automatic
- Principle 1: Rationality
- Principle 2: Productiveness
- Principle 3: Trade
- A New Concept of Selfishness
- The Evil of Self-Sacrifice
- Conclusion: The Only Way to Be Selfish
- The Business of Business
- The Businessman: Parasite or Producer?
- A Fellowship of Traders
- Conclusion: The Great Liberator
- The Nobility of the Profit Motive
- What It Shall Profit a Man
- Profitable Principles
- The Altruistic Attack on Business Success
- Conclusion: The “Public Good” Be Damned
- Selfishness Unleashed
- A Society of Producers
- Protecting the Profit Motive
- Laissez-Faire
- Conclusion: Markets Are Moral
- The Dynamism of the Market
- The Division of Labor
- Prices
- Competition
- Innovation
- Government Intervention
- Conclusion: The Profit System
- The Regulatory State and Its Victims
- Protecting the Consumer
- Protecting the Worker
- Punishing the Producer
- Conclusion: Answering the Argument from Greed
- The Immoral Entitlement State
- Before the Entitlement State
- Born of Ideology
- The Entitlement State’s War on the Rational and Productive
- From Entitlement Morality to Entitlement Mentality
- Conclusion: Answering the Argument from Need
- You Are Not Your Brother’s Health Care Provider
- The Cause: How Government Made Health Care Inefficient and Expensive
- The Cure: Toward a Free Market in Health Care
- Conclusion: Freeing the Unfree Health Care Market
- Stopping the Growth of the State
- Why Only Rational Selfishness Will Do
- The Basic Contradiction
- Ayn Rand and the Free Market Revolution