Poems I Like and Why by Leonard Peikoff

“Dr. Peikoff discusses the value of poetry and its capacity for enriching your life. Encouraging his listeners to “renounce your fear” of poetry, he blends dramatic readings with analysis, using his personal favorites as a window on the world of poetry. He gives...

Leonard Peikoff Presents “Viennese Operetta: My Virtual Reality

Serious values in a fun world Dr. Leonard Peikoff, author of Objectivism The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, The Cause of Hiter’s Germany, and many other books, lectures, and courses, discusses the essential features of Viennese operetta, including story, music,...
A Chapter a Day of Les Misérables with Lisa Van Damme

A Chapter a Day of Les Misérables with Lisa Van Damme

Given the “filtering” and “canceling” by Facebook of non politically correct messages, many people have asked whether Lisa VanDamme, Founder VanDamme Academy and Read With Me, would deliver her popular day-to-day thoughts on the 365 chapters of...

Ayn Rand’s Favorite Poem: “If” By Rudyard Kipling

Philosopher Ayn Rand said that she wanted no eulogies at her funeral, but only asked that her favorite poem, “If” by Rudyard Kipling, be read. If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself...

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