As of April 17th, Atlas Shrugged ranks #4 out of ALL books sold on (Atlas is also #1,#2 and#3 in classics!)
Donald Luskin pens a tribute to Ayn Rand in the WSJ opinion column: But it’s a misreading of “Atlas” to claim that it is simply an antigovernment tract or an uncritical celebration of big business. In fact, the real villain of “Atlas” is...
From Ron Pisaturo: This essay compares one scene, viewable on the Internet, of the movie Atlas Shrugged Part 1 to the corresponding scene in the source novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. In this essay, my secondary purpose is to judge this small part of the movie; my...
Writes Timothy Farmer a The Film Stage in his [Review] Atlas Shrugged: Part I on whose dialogue he judges as “incomprehensible gibberish.” […] I haven’t a clue in hell what was rolling through John Aglialoro‘s and Brian Patrick O’Toole’s...
The movie reviews for the Atlas Shrugged adaption have been making headlines. Perhaps the most interesting one comes from a reader commenting on a sort-of-review at Slate. (In the Slate review that best that we can learn is that “The actors and scenes are there...