The Objectivist Forum

The Objectivist Forum was a 16-page, bimonthly journal of ideas published from February 1980 through December 1987.

Ayn Rand helped establish this journal and served as its philosophic consultant until her death in 1982. Harry Binswanger was Editor; Leonard Peikoff served as Consulting Editor.

You can order all 48 issues of The Objectivist Forum, plus an extensive index—790 pages in all — as a single bound volume from TOS Publications. Highly recommended.



Ayn Rand, “To the Reader” pp. 1-2
Ayn Rand’s introduction of The Objectivist Forum.

Harry Binswanger, “The Swing to the Right” pp. 2-9
A cultural-philosophical survey.

Edwin A. Locke, “Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis” pp. 10-15
How these allegedly opposite schools reflect the same false view of man’s nature.

APRIL 1980

Leonard Peikoff, “The ‘Spirit of the Sixties'” pp. 1-6
A pre-publication excerpt from The Ominous Parallels.

Michael S. Berliner, “Marxism Versus Objectivity” pp. 7-12
Why Marxism destroys the very concept of objectivity.

Harry Binswanger, Books: The Government Against the Economy pp. 13-16
George Reisman on why the free market leads to unlimited progress while government controls produce escalating chaos.

JUNE 1980

Ayn Rand, Interview with Ayn Rand (I) pp. 1-6
An interview on cultural-political topics by Jerry Schwartz (reprinted from The Atlanta Constitution).

John B. Ridpath, “The Philosophical Origins of Antitrust” pp. 6-14
The Heraclitean-Kantian base of Frank Knight’s theory of “perfect competition” — a major premise of antitrust law.

Harry Binswanger, From the Editor p. 16
A movie recommendation and a “Horror File” clipping.


Ayn Rand, Interview with Ayn Rand (II) pp. 1-3
(See June 1980)

George Reisman, “Production vs. Consumption” pp. 3-10
The two basic types of economic theory: productionist and consumptionist (reprinted from The Freeman).

Edwin A. Locke, Books: MiG Pilot pp. 10-15
John Barron’s story of Viktor Belenko’s intellectual and physical escape from communism.


Harry Binswanger, “Philosophy and Nuclear Power” (I) pp. 1-8
Why “nuclear power is more than 100% safe” — and the actual reasons why anti-nuclear activists oppose it.

Robert Getman, “Gold and the Founding Fathers” pp. 9-15
“The framers forged a clear constitutional mandate for a metallic money, of gold and silver.”


Harry Binswanger, “Philosophy and Nuclear Power” (II) pp. 1-7
(See October 1980)

Jerry Schwartz, “Newspapers Without News” (I) pp. 8-14
The cult of non-objective journalism — and the proper base of objective reporting.



Harry Binswanger, “The Possible Dream” (I) pp. 1-6
A rational, this-worldly concept of perfection.

Jerry Schwartz, “Newspapers Without News” (II) pp. 6-9
(See December 1980)

William B. Lindsey, “Determinism and Anthropology” pp. 9-15
The mind-negating approach of the two leading schools of anthropology.

APRIL 1981

Harry Binswanger, “The Possible Dream” (II) pp. 1-7
(see February 19 1980)

Leonard Peikoff, “Maybe You’re Wrong” pp. 8-12
The answer to Descartes’ skepticism

Michael S. Berliner, “Creationism and the Intellectuals” pp. 13-15
How the skepticism of today’s intellectuals paves the way for the creationists.

JUNE 1981

Ayn Rand, “The Age of Mediocrity” pp. 1-11
The Reagan Administration and the religious Right as an intellectual disaster (Ford Hall Forum speech).

James G. Lennox, “The Anti-Philosophy of Science” pp. 11-15
A report on growing irrationalism in the philosophy of science.


Jerry Schwartz, “What Happened at The Washington Post?” pp. 1-11
How the rejection of objectivity in journalism aided and abetted a reporter’s fraud.

Harry Binswanger, Q & A Department pp. 11-14
Why there is no “right to compete” with government (vs. the claims of anarchist “libertarians”).


David Kelley, “The Primacy of Existence” (I) pp. 1-6
A pre-publication excerpt from The Evidence of the Senses.

Northrup Buechner, “The Root of Terrorism” pp. 6-12
Terrorism as the product and expression of collectivism.

Leonard Peikoff, “An Exercise in Philosophical Detection” (I) pp. 12-15
A case study in detecting implicit philosophical premises, using a letter to the editor published in The New York Times.


David Kelley, “The Primacy of Existence” (II) pp. 1-6
(See October 1981)

Leonard Peikoff, “An Exercise in Philosophical Detection” (II) pp. 6-13
(See October 1981)

Harry Binswanger, Q & A Department pp.13-14
How the Law of Identity applies to motion.



Harry Binswanger, “To the Reader” pp. 1-2
Ayn Rand’s death and funeral.

Wolfgang Saxon, Ayn Rand’s Obituary pp. 3-5
(Reprinted from The New York Times).

Edwin A. Locke, Books: The Soul of a New Machine pp. 6-9
Tracy Kidder’s story of managerial skill and innovative drive in the development of a new computer.

Thomas A. Bowden, Movies: “Reds” pp. 9-15
“A stream of leftist puffery [and] a testament to the futility of values.”

APRIL 1982

Ayn Rand, “The Sanction of the Victims” pp. 1-9
Ayn Rand’s last speech: a call to businessmen to stop financing collectivist intellectuals (Ford Hall Forum speech, with prefatory remarks by Leonard Peikoff).

Harry Binswanger, Books: The Ominous Parallels pp. 9-14
Leonard Peikoff’s demonstration that Nazism was caused by the same philosophy of irrationalism and self-sacrifice that American intellectuals preach today.

Harry Binswanger, From the Editor p. 16
On various published tributes to Ayn Rand.

JUNE 1982

Leonard Peikoff, “Ayn Rand” pp. 1-3
Written in 1971 as a promotional piece for the then-forthcoming Ayn Rand Letter.

Ayn Rand, “To the Readers of The Fountainheadpp. 4-7
An author’s preface to one of the early editions of The Fountainhead.

Harry Binswanger, “Ayn Rand’s Philosophic Achievement” (I) pp. 8-13
An overview of Ayn Rand’s contributions to philosophy.


Harry Binswanger, “Ayn Rand’s Philosophic Achievement” (II) pp. 1-3
(See June 1982)

Northrup Buechner, “Ayn Rand and Economics” pp. 3-9
An overview of Ayn Rand’s contributions to economics.

Michael S. Berliner, “Ayn Rand and Education” pp. 9-13
An overview of Ayn Rand’s contributions to education.


Harry Binswanger, “Ayn Rand’s Philosophic Achievement” (III) pp. 1-4
(See June 1982)

Edwin A. Locke, “Ayn Rand and Psychology” (I) pp. 5-8
An overview of Ayn Rand’s contributions to psychology.

Jerry Schwartz, “Ayn Rand and Journalism” pp. 8-13
An overview of Ayn Rand’s contributions to journalism.


Harry Binswanger, “Ayn Rand’s Philosophic Achievement” (IV) pp. 1-12
(See June 1982)

Edwin A. Locke, “Ayn Rand and Psychology” (II) pp. 12-15
(See October 1982)



Ayn Rand, “The Money-Making Personality” pp. 1-9
The Money-Maker vs. the Money-Appropriator (reprinted from Cosmopolitan magazine).

Douglas Borton, “How New York Rules Hollywood” pp. 9-14
The mind-body split in the theories of leading film critics, and their destructive influence on film-making.

APRIL 1983

Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: Roark and Cameron pp. 1-10
A scene cut from The Fountainhead (pre-publication excerpt from The Early Ayn Rand).

Robert Getman, Arline Mann, & Charles Sures, Panel: Lawyers on the Law (I) pp. 10-14
Three Objectivist attorneys discuss the practice of law and issues in legal philosophy.

JUNE 1983

Harry Binswanger, “The Dollar and the Gun” pp. 1-7
The equivocation between economic power and political power as a major weapon of collectivists.

Robert Getman, Arline Mann, & Charles Sures, Panel: Lawyers on the Law (II) pp. 8-15
(See April 1983)


Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: Philosophic Journal pp. 1-8
Notes made in 1934 on religion, free will, egoism, and other topics.

Thomas A. Bowden, “In Praise of Spectator Sports” pp. 8-13
The value of sports as “a celebration of human skill, determination, and goal-achievement.”


Leonard Peikoff, “Assault from the Ivory Tower” (I) pp. 1-12
The intellectuals’ attack on the founding ideas of America (Ford Hall Forum speech).

Edwin A. Locke, Books: KGB Today pp. 12-15
John Barron’s expose of ongoing Soviet espionage and sponsorship of terrorism.


Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: Notes for Atlas Shrugged pp. 1-9
Notes from 1946 on Dagny, Galt, and real-life “creators who work for their own destruction” (including comments on Frank Lloyd Wright and J. Robert Oppenheimer).

Leonard Peikoff, “Assault from the Ivory Tower” (II) pp. 9-15
(See October 1983)



Edith Packer, “The Psychological Requirements of a Free Society” pp. 1- 11
The role of a sense of personal identity — or its lack — in one’s psychological receptiveness to political freedom.

Harry Binswanger, Q & A Department pp. 12-14
The biological and philosophic significance of allegedly “altruistic” actions by animals; 2) the fallacies in Bertrand Russell’s theory of “types.”

APRIL 1984

Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: Notes for Atlas Shrugged pp. 1-8
Notes from 1947 on the soul-body dichotomy, reason and emotion, and “the progression of man’s mental (and psychological) development.”

Edwin A. Locke, Books: Inside the Criminal Mind pp. 8-15
Psychologist Stanton Samenow’s empirical case for the volitional nature of crime — corroborating Ayn Rand’s description of the “lone wolf” mentality of criminals.

JUNE 1984

Leonard Peikoff, “Ayn Rand’s Literary Style” pp. 1-7
A pre-publication excerpt from The Early Ayn Rand.

Michael Berliner & Harry Binswanger, Answers to Common Questions About Montessori Education (I) pp. 7-15


Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: Philosophic Notes pp. 1-11
Notes from 1949-1958 on sex, morality, compromise, and several topics in epistemology.

Michael Berliner & Harry Binswanger, Answers to Common Questions About Montessori Education (II) pp. 11-15


Leonard Peikoff, “The American School: Why Johnny Can’t Think” (I) pp. 1-10
The anti-conceptual nature of today’s pre-college teaching (Ford Hall Forum Speech).

Harry Binswanger, Editorial: The Presidential Election pp. 10-16
Why there is no “lesser evil” in the 1984 election; a recommendation not to vote.


Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: Notes for The Fountainhead pp. 1-6
Notes from 1938-1941 on the theme and the major characters, including a rough draft of the book’s first scene.

Leonard Peikoff, “The American School: Why Johnny Can’t Think” (II) pp. 6-13
(See October 1984)



Edith Packer, “Understanding the Subconscious” (I) pp. 1-10
The role of subconscious “core evaluations” in one’s psychology.

Arline Mann, “The Novels of Nevil Shute” pp. 10-13
A review recommending this contemporary author.

Harry Binswanger, From the Editor pp. 15-16
1) The injustice of the “public figure” doctrine in libel law (re: the Sharon trial); 2) a recommendation of The Jefferson School summer conferences.

APRIL 1985

Leonard Peikoff, “Medicine: The Death of a Profession” (I) pp. 1-8
The strangulation of the medical profession brought about by government financing of medical care (Ford Hall Forum speech).

Edith Packer, “Understanding the Subconscious” (II) pp, 8-15
(See February 1985)

JUNE 1985

Leonard Peikoff, “Medicine: The Death of a Profession” (II) pp. 1-11
(See April 1985)

Roger Donway, “The Steelmaster” (I) pp. 12-15
The technological and entrepreneurial achievements of Henry Bessemer — and why collectivist historians have ignored him.


Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Seminar on Epistemology pp. 1-11
Excerpts from a series of workshops in which Ayn Rand met with a group of philosophy professors to answer questions on Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.

Roger Donway, “The Steelmaster” (II) pp, 12-15
(See June 1985)


Leonard Peikoff, “Philosophy and Psychology in History” pp. 1-14
Philosophy, not psychology, as the mover of history.

Michael S. Berliner, Report from The Ayn Rand Institute pp. 14-15


Edith Packer, “The Art of Introspection” (I) pp. 1-10
The nature of introspection and six steps to follow in identifying and correcting the evaluations underlying one’s emotions.

Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Unpublished Writings: A Speech to Architects pp, 10-14
Why architects should champion freedom, individualism, and selfishness (delivered to a group of architects shortly after the publication of The Fountainhead).

Harry Binswanger, From the Editor pp. 14-16
Ed and Jay Snider’s refusal to allow their hockey team, The Philadelphia Flyers, to play Soviet teams — with a reprint of Jay Snider’s letter to The Hockey News.



Edith Packer, “The Art of Introspection” (II) pp. 1-8
(See December 1985)

John B. Ridpath, “Nietzsche and Individualism” (I) pp. 8-14
Why Nietzsche, despite his vehement attacks on altruism and praise for man the hero, is fundamentally an enemy of individualism.

APRIL 1986

John B. Ridpath, “Nietzsche and Individualism” (II) pp. 1-12

Edwin A. Locke, Books: Yeager: An Autobiography pp. 12-15
The pilot who broke the sound barrier — “a man of action, a brilliant achiever, a patriot. ”

JUNE 1986

Leonard Peikoff, “Religion Versus America” pp. 1-15
“You must choose between unreason and America. You cannot have both” (Ford Hall Forum speech).


Harry Binswanger, “The Goal-Directedness of Living Action” pp. 1-10
Why all living action, whether of plants or animals, is goal-directed, with the organism’s life as the ultimate goal.

Betsy Speicher, Books: Marva Collins’ Way pp. 11-15
The true story of a frustrated public school teacher who started her own pro-achievement school where supposedly “unteachable” children excel.


Edwin A. Locke, Interview with Andrey Sorukun pp. 1-13
Sorukun, who defected from Soviet Russia in 1983 at age 22, talks about life under “the most sophisticated oppressive system.”

Harry Binswanger, “The Hardwick Decision” pp. 13-15
The Supreme Court jettisons individual rights in favor of whatever “a majority of the electorate [believes] is immoral and unacceptable.”


Leonard Peikoff, “Knowledge as Hierarchical” pp. 1-11
A pre-publication excerpt from Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand.

Harry Binswanger, “Science Under Slavery” (I) pp. 12-14
A recent article in Discover magazine reveals the abysmally backward state of Soviet science — and its cause: lack of freedom.



Ayn Rand, From Ayn Rand’s Seminar on Epistemology pp. 1-10
Excerpts from a series of workshops in which Ayn Rand met with a group of philosophy professors to answer questions on Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology.

Harry Binswanger, “Science Under Slavery” (II) pp. 10-15
(See December 1986)

APRIL 1987

Harry Binswanger, ” ‘Buy American’ Is Un-American” (I) pp. 1-10
Why the opposition to buying foreign goods is anti-individualist, anti-capitalist, and contrary to America’s economic interest.

Michelle Fram, Books: The Last Place on Earth pp. 10-15
Roland Huntford on rival polar explorers Amundsen and Scott — a contrast between a first-hander and a second-hander, culminating in the victory of the first-hander.

JUNE 1987

Leonard Peikoff, “My Thirty Years with Ayn Rand: An Intellectual Memoir” pp. 1-16
An epistemological and personal remembrance.


Ayn Rand, HUAC Testimony pp. 1-11
The full transcript of Ayn Rand’s 1947 testimony at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings on communist propaganda in the movie industry.

Harry Binswanger, ” ‘Buy American’ Is Un-American” (II) pp. 11-16
(See April 1987)


Leonard Peikoff, “Reason, Emotion, and the Arbitrary” (I) pp. 1-5
A pre-publication excerpt from Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand.

Harry Binswanger, “Kant on the Supreme Court?” pp. 6-13
Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork’s unwavering hostility to individual rights, and the Kantian premises that explain it.


Leonard Peikoff, “Reason, Emotion, and the Arbitrary” (II) pp. 1-7
(See October 1987)

Harry Binswanger, “The Constitution and States’ Rights” pp. 7-13
Why, contrary to the conservatives’ claims, the Supreme Court does have the authority to overturn state laws violating individual rights.

Harry Binswanger, From the Editor p. 16
The barbaric state of Soviet medical care, two brief movie recommendations, and some final comments.

You can order all 48 issues of The Objectivist Forum, plus an extensive index—790 pages in all — as a single bound volume from TOS Publications. Highly recommended.

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