Objectivism (General)
Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism
ARI offers a variety of educational experiences to promote a greater understanding of Ayn Rand’s philosophy and, through the writing and speaking of our experts, advocates her principles of reason, rational self-interest, and laissez-faire capitalism.
Objective Standard Institute
Objective Standard Institute’s mission is to teach the rising generation about the importance of philosophy, the principles of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism, and related ideas for loving life and defending liberty.
Ayn Rand Centre UK
Works to promote Objectivism in the UK by organising talks and discussion groups across the country.
Ayn Rand Society
The Ayn Rand Society, founded in 1987, is an affiliated group with the American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division. Their purpose is to foster the scholarly study by philosophers of the philosophical thought and writings of Ayn Rand. The Society meets at the annual conference of the APA Eastern Division and sometimes (since 2008) at the Pacific Division conference. They also publish a book series and operate a blog, Check Your Premises.
Objectivist Academic Center (OAC)
The Objectivist Academic Center (OAC) features live classes with Objectivist experts conducted via videoconference, and personalized feedback on students’ writing, speaking, and understanding of Objectivism.
Paper Tiger Books
The Paper Tiger publishes books by or about – or of interest to fans of – Ayn Rand, Nevil Shute, Victor Hugo, Maria Montessori, and Frank Spearman, along with newly released hardcover editions of some Objectivist favorites including Wilhem Windelband’s History of Philosophy, H.W.B. Joseph’s An Introduction to Logic, Phyllis Davenport’s Rex Barks: Diagramming Sentences Made Easy, Foerster and Steadman’s Writing and Thinking, and Lionel Ruby’s Logic: An Introduction.
Ayn Rand Bookstore
Second Renaissance Books
Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology
Offers an intensive home study program based on Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics.
Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism
America’s premier university-based teaching and research center dedicated to exploring the moral foundations of capitalism. The mission of the Clemson Institute is to explore the moral foundations of capitalism. In pursuit of this mission, they work with students, the academic community and the general public to increase public awareness of capitalism’s core principles and institutions. They also organize an annual Morality of Capitalism Student Conference with scholarships for students.
Anthem Foundation
The Anthem Foundation provides grants for the benefit of academic professionals engaged in serious, scholarly work based on the philosophy and writings of Ayn Rand, and provides resources to others in academia interested in understanding her ideas.
Prometheus Foundation
Prometheus Foundation is an independent, nonprofit enterprise whose mission is to promote Ayn Rand and advance her philosophy, Objectivism.
Center Industrial Progress
Center for Industrial Progress (CIP) is a for-profit think-tank seeking to bring about a new industrial revolution. CIP believes that human beings have the untapped potential to radically improve our lives by using technology to improve the planet across a multitude of industries: Mining, manufacturing, agriculture, chemistry, and energy.
The Harry Binswanger Letter (HBL)
A membership site and email listserv for those interested in Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, and its application to today’s culture.
Americans Free Choice Medicine (AFCM)
AFCM promotes the philosophy of individual rights, personal responsibility and free market economics in the health care industry. AFCM advocates a full, free market health care system by promoting health savings accounts (HSAs), tax equity for the individual, and AFCM teaches the history of HMOs, which were instituted by a long, incremental process of government intervention.
Association of Objective Law
The Association for Objective Law was formed in 1988 to advance Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, as the basis of a proper legal system. TAFOL engages in professional and other intellectual activities aimed at securing individual rights.
Center for the Legalization of Privacy
Startup non-profit whose mission it is to educate, and litigate, to further the proper legal protection, via our common-law rights to property and contract.
STRIVE is meeting students and young people around the world interested in Ayn Rand’s philosophy. STRIVE helps students connect with peers and mentors, and learn how to apply Ayn Rand’s ideas to their everyday lives. They organize online reading groups that discuss Rand’s fiction and non-fiction, and host Q&A’s with experts in Objectivism.
Free Objectivist Books for Students
Get any Ayn Rand novel or book about Objectivism for free. You just have to pledge to read it.
Checking Premises
Identify current detractors disguised as Objectivists.