Writes The Ayn Rand Institute on End The Debt Draft:Forty thousand dollars. That’s roughly your share of the U.S. national debt. That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared to the debt the government’s going to be racking up in the years ahead thanks mainly to America’s...
Rand’s philosophy — reality, reason, self-interest, capitalism — in two minutes.
Rants an entity called Randa Jarrar Why I can’t stand white belly dancers over at Salon.com: Women I have confronted about this have said, “But I have been dancing for 15 years! This is something I have built a huge community on.” These women are more interested in...
From an editorial in The Orange County Register:The successful efforts of a community activist group to scuttle a planned Trader Joe’s development in an economically distressed neighborhood of Northeast Portland, Ore., illustrates the depths to which ideologues will...
Dr. Harry Binswanger has released How We Know – Epistemology on an Objectivist Foundation. From the book description:What is knowledge? How is it acquired? How are claims to knowledge to be validated? Can man achieve rational certainty, or is he doomed to...
Writes Don Watkins, a fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute and Yaron Brook its president in Government tries to do too much: Opposing view:Is today’s government dysfunctional? Of course. But not because it can’t get things done. The problem is that it does so...
Lars Seier Christensen, Saxo Bank’s founder and CEO on Ayn Rand’s “broad relevance” to today’s society in Full-blown capitalism shrugged off for socialist hybrids:[…] Ayn Rand removes your insecurity about whether your choices are...
Sen. Durbin to GOP: Put down Ayn Rand books | TheHill:Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) asked Republicans to stop reading Ayn Rand books and help Democrats pass legislation aimed to give struggling Americans a hand. “I say to my conservative friends, put down...
If you haven’t enrolled at ARI Campus yet, check out this trailer for the latest course, What is Capitalism?. Listen to Ayn Rand, in her own words, talk about what makes capitalism unique. Enroll today at campus.aynrand.org.