January 1966
- Altruism As Appeasement by Ayn Rand
- The Objectivist Theory of Volition by Nathaniel Branden
- Emotion and Personality by Magda Arnold by Robert Efron
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
February 1966
- Philosophy and Sense of Life by Ayn Rand
- Cultural Barometer by Barbara Branden
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
March 1966
- Art and Sense of Life by Ayn Rand
- Volition and the Law of Causality by Nathaniel Branden
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
April 1966
- Our Cultural Value-Deprivation by Ayn Rand
- The Federal Bulldozer by Martin Anderson by Beatrice Hessen
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
May 1966
- Emotions and Values by Nathaniel Branden
- A Report by Roger J. Callahan
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
June 1966
- The Roots of War by Ayn Rand
- Emotions and Actions by Nathaniel Branden
- The Question of Scholarships by Ayn Rand
- An Invitation by Nathaniel Branden
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
July 1966
- Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology by Ayn Rand
- Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
August 1966
- Emotions and Repression by Nathaniel Branden
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
September 1966
- Cultural Barometer by Barbara Branden
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
October 1966
- A Letter from a Reader by John W. Bales
- Cultural Barometer by Barbara Branden
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
November 1966
- The Nature of Anxiety by Nathaniel Branden
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
- Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation by Wilfred Schwartz
December 1966
- Capuletti by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
January 1967
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
February 1967
- The Concept of Mental Health by Nathaniel Branden
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
March 1967
- Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden
- ESP: A Scientific Evaluation by C.E.M. Hansel by Robert Efron
- An Answer to Readers (About the “Horror File”) by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
April 1967
- The Wreckage of the Consensus by Ayn Rand
- Cultural Barometer by Barbara Branden
- A Report by Robert Hessen
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
May 1967
- The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy by Leonard Peikoff
- Announcing “News in Focus”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
June 1967
- News in Focus: The Death of a Daily Newspaper by Jeffrey St. John
- Citizenship Education by Joyce F. Jones by Avis Brick
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
July 1967
- Requiem for Man by Ayn Rand
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
August 1967
- From the “Horror File”
September 1967
- Objectivist Calendar
October 1967
- The Roots of Social Metaphysics by Nathaniel Branden
- Introduction to Calumet “K” by Ayn Rand
- The Constitution and the Draft by Henry Mark Holzer and Phyllis Holzer
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
November 1967
- The Simplest Thing in the World, A Short Story by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
- Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation by Wilfred Schwartz
December 1967
- Self-Esteem and Romantic Love by Nathaniel Branden
- An Introductory Note to The Man Who Laughs by Ayn Rand
- From the “Horror File”
- Letter from a Reader by Molly Bartholomew
- Letter from Nathaniel Branden by Nathaniel Branden
- Letter from Our Attorney by Henry Mark Holzer
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
January 1968
- Workers’ Paradise Lost by Eugene Lyons by Beatrice Hessen
- Cultural Barometer by Barbara Branden
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
February 1968
- Biology Without Consciousness — And Its Consequences by Robert Efron
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
March 1968
- Introduction to The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
- Announcing: Foundation for the New Intellectual by Henry Mark Holzer
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
April 1968
- Introduction to Night of January 16th by Ayn Rand
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar by Barbara Branden
May 1968
- To Whom It May Concern by Ayn Rand
- For the Record
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
June 1968
- The Presidential Candidates, 1968 by Ayn Rand
- A Statement of Policy (Part I) by Ayn Rand
- A Statement of Policy (Part II) by Henry Mark Holzer
- Cultural Trends by Avis Brick
- Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation by Barbara Weiss
July 1968
- Basic Principles of Literature by Ayn Rand
- Cultural Trends by Avis Brick
- To My Readers by Ayn Rand
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
August 1968
- Platonic Competition by George Reisman
- Objectivist Calendar
September 1968
- Of Living Death by Ayn Rand
- How to Raise a Brighter Child by Joan Beck by Beatrice Hessen
- Objectivist Calendar
October 1968
- Faith and Filth: The Destroyers of the Modern Theater by Kay Nolte Smith
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
November 1968
- Art for Power’s Sake by Joan Blumenthal
- The American University by Jacques Barzun by Robert Hessen
- Brief Comments by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar
December 1968
- An Answer to Readers (About a Woman President) by Ayn Rand
- Preserve and Protect by Allen Drury by Erika Holzer
- Objectivist Calendar
January 1969
- The “Inexplicable Personal Alchemy” by Ayn Rand
- ‘For Three Minutes I Felt Free’ by Henry Kamm
- An Interview with Allen Drury by Susan Ludel
- Objectivist Calendar
February 1969
- Brief Comments by Ayn Rand
- Nazi Politics by Leonard Peikoff
- Metaphysics in Marble by Mary Ann Sures
- A Suggestion by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar
March 1969
- Brief Comments by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar
April 1969
- The Depths at Their Heights by Kay Nolte Smith
- The World of Andrew Carnegie by Louis M. Hacker by Robert Hessen
- Objectivist Calendar
May 1969
- What Is Romanticism? by Ayn Rand
- Legal Notice by Henry Mark Holzer
June 1969
- The Base of Objectivist Psychotherapy Blumenthal, Allan
- The War of Liberation in Hollywood by Rand, Ayn and Holzer, Erika
- Objectivist Calendar
July 1969
- The Mystique of the Muddied Waters by Kay Nolte Smith
- Department of Prophecy by Ayn Rand
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
August 1969
- Introduction to The Romantic Manifesto by Ayn Rand
- Some Current Conceptions of Freedom: The “Freedom” of the Hippie and the Yippie by Nelson, John O.
- Poverty Is Where the Money Is by Shirley Scheibla by Ayn Rand
September 1969
- Apollo 11 by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar
October 1969
- Nazism Versus Reason by Leonard Peikoff
- Television: Airwave Pollution by Susan Ludel
- Objectivist Calendar
November 1969
- Lillian Gish: The Movies, Mr. Griffith, and Me by Lillian Gish with Ann Pinchot by O’Connor, Frank, as told to Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar
December 1969
- Apollo and Dionysus by Ayn Rand
- The New Nakedness by Kay Nolte Smith
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
- Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation by Barbara Weiss
January 1970
- Objectivist Calendar
- Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917 to 1930 by Anthony C. Sutton by Robert Hessen
February 1970
- The Left: Old and New by Ayn Rand
- Prospecting for Clay by Kay Nolte Smith
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
March 1970
- Kant Versus Sullivan by Ayn Rand
- Who Programs the Programmers? By Susan Ludel
April 1970
- Dogmatism, Pragmatism and Nazism by Leonard Peikoff
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
May 1970
- Brief Comments by Ayn Rand
- The Montessori Method by Hessen, Beatrice
June 1970
- The Chickens’ Homecoming by Ayn Rand
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
July 1970
- Causality Versus Duty by Ayn Rand
- My Testimony by Anatoly Marchenko by Susan Ludel
August 1970
- The Comprachicos by Ayn Rand
- Omnipotent Government by Ludwig von Mises by Robert Hessen
- Objectivist Calendar
September 1970
- Herbert Marcuse, Philosopher of the New Left by George Walsh
October 1970
- Objectivist Calendar
November 1970
- Objectivist Calendar
December 1970
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
- Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation by Barbara Weiss
January 1971
- The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Ayn Rand
- Nazism and Subjectivism by Leonard Peikoff
- Brief Comments by Ayn Rand
- Objectivist Calendar
February 1971
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
March 1971
- The Psychology of “Psychologizing” by Ayn Rand
- Terence Rattigan by Kay Nolte Smith
April 1971
- Art and Cognition by Ayn Rand
- The Ibsen War Goes On by Kay Nolte Smith
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
May 1971
- The Throne of Pragmatism by Susan Ludel
- From the “Horror File”
June 1971
- The Newly Silent Screen by Kay Nolte Smith
- From the “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
July 1971
- The Age of Envy by Ayn Rand
- Teaching Montessori in the Home by Elizabeth G. Hainstock by Beatrice Hessen
August 1971
- From the Special “Horror File”
- Objectivist Calendar
- September 1971
- Brief Summary by Ayn Rand
- Kant and Self-Sacrifice by Leonard Peikoff