Join the Ayn Rand Institute for their first ever European conference Ayn Rand Student Conference Europe 2019, February 15 to 17 in Prague, the Czech Republic.
Don’t miss our first ever Ayn Rand Student Conference Europe (#AynRandConEurope). This weekend conference brings together students and non-students alike; everyone intrigued and inspired by Ayn Rand’s books and philosophy is welcome. With tribalism on the rise across our culture—in politics, psychology, philosophy, science, law, ethics—the theme of the conference could not be timelier: “Individualism in an Age of Tribalism.”
Yaron Brook, Onkar Ghate, Lars Christensen, Flemming Rose, Douglas Murray, Gregory Salmieri, and other experts on Rand’s philosophy will discuss the pervasiveness of the tribal mentality and Rand’s answer to it—a radical new conception of individualism.
Students can get an additional 50% off using discount code ARIEUROPE50. In fact, ARI provides a limited number of student scholarships that can reduce the cost for students to attend the conference to almost $0, so make sure to share this with any students you know.
Register before January 15.
Join us February 15 to 17 in Prague for #AynRandConEurope