Ayn Rand: A Legacy of Reason and Freedom by Michael Berliner
Born 100 years ago in Holy Mother Russia and educated under the Soviets, Ayn Rand became the quintessential American writer and philosopher, upholding the supreme value of the individual’s life on earth. She herself led a “rags to riches” life, wrote best-selling novels that championed individualism, and developed a philosophy of reason that validates the American spirit of achievement and independence.
The Appeal of Ayn Rand by Onkar Ghate
Ideas Matter.
Ayn Rand’s Testimony Before The House UnAmerican Affairs Committee by Ayn Rand
You have no idea what it means to live in a country where nobody has any concern except food, where all the conversation is about food because everybody is so hungry that that is all they can think about and that is all they can afford to do. They have no